Apply to Join APSA Board
APSA is an umbrella organization with no general members. You may apply to join as a board member or intern.
Intern PositionsWe are currently looking for interns for any of our board positions. An APSA intern will help an Executive Board Chair with their respective responsibilities and hopefully gain enough experience to earn a Chair position. APSA interns will be expected to spend 3-8 hours a week on APSA-related business, including attending events and helping plan APAAC.
Intern applications are currently on soft release, meaning that you can be invited to join or recommended by a current APSA board member. You may still look at the application now to see what responsibilities (and fun) being an intern will entail. TimelineWeek 1
Mon Sep 28: APSA Town Hall/ Informational Meeting Wed Sep 30: INTERN APPLICATIONS DUE AT MIDNIGHT Thurs Oct 1: Applicants will be notified of their interview dates and times (morning), Applicants must confirm their interview date and time via email by 9:00 PM Fri Oct 2: Interview based on applicant availability Week 2 Mon Oct 5: Interviews based on applicant availability Tues Oct 6: Applicants will be notified of their status by 8:00PM Thurs Oct 8: Response/acceptance due Week 3 Mon Oct 12: MANDATORY New intern meeting/mixer from 6-9PM |
Board Position Applications Now Closed
We currently have 3 board positions open and available for applications:
- Programs Co-coordinator, - Constituent Council Co-chair and - Gender and Sexuality Chair Each Chair's responsible for a specific set of duties outlined in the application. All Executive Board Chairs are members of the Voting Council and have permanent voting privileges during board decisions. Each Chair may also mentor 1-2 interns during the academic school year. Executive Board Chairs, in general, should expect to work 10-12 hours a week. Timeline
Executive Board Applications are released SEPTEMBER 20TH (SUNDAY): FINAL DEADLINE AT 9:00PM SEPTEMBER 21ST - 25TH: FINAL INTERVIEWS SEPTEMBER 28TH (MONDAY): MANDATORY APSA Board Meeting/Mixer from 6:00-9:30PM |